
Let our insights and technical knowledge keep you informed and up to date to enhance your competitive advantage. 


You can rely on our competent advice, comprehensive services, and effective tools and resources to guide your risk management decisions. We’re here to support your long-term success.

Industry Insights

Facultative Underwriting

Facultative Underwriting

Expert Underwriting professionals provide unique solutions to complex cases, helping you improve placement rates and profitability.  

For Group Life clients, Gen Re offers a unique, proprietary approach to limited duration underwriting for Group EOI that allows offers on risks often declined by group carriers.

Behavioral Economics

Behavioral Economics Research

At a time of rapidly evolving underwriting approaches, uncertainty about future morbidity and mortality improvement, and increased insurer focus on client engagement, Behavioral Economics training is being made available to Gen Re clients at an important industry inflection point.

The Gen Re BE Academy

The Gen Re BE Academy, developed in relationship with Suffolk University professors, is designed to help our clients’ staff learn how small changes can make a big difference.

Accelerated Underwriting

Accelerated Underwriting

Insurers are pulled in many directions, having to embrace innovative underwriting tools and approaches while evolving away from full underwriting. Many companies don’t have the time or resources to investigate all the latest data and technology options to see which is right for them. With so many new alternatives on the market and the fast-changing pace, it’s hard to know where to start. We can help.

Underwriting Tools



The Gen Re underwriting manuals provide our clients with reliable, up-to-date information to assess risks effectively. Creating and maintaining the manuals are a team of experts dedicated to constantly improving and further developing underwriting guidelines.

  • Our SOURCE underwriting manuals are dynamic risk assessment tools – available for the full range of risks relevant to Individual Life, Individual Disability, and Critical Illness underwriting
  • Custom-SOURCE is available for companies that want control over the content to reflect their own company-specific underwriting guidelines. Group Life clients enjoy customization on limited duration underwriting.

Financial Guide

The Gen Re Financial Guide is a reference tool designed to assist with the financial underwriting process and includes key tax forms and schedules with important information highlighted and discussed.

Underwriting Program

Our traditional facultative and proprietary underwriting programs are meant to increase producer retention and reduce unplaced business.

2nd Look Program for Individual Life

Book more business with a unique life insurance sales opportunity to place cases you are losing. With 2nd Look, you can make an offer on cases that would otherwise be retired incomplete or postponed.

2nd Look


Our presentations at industry events support our goal of sharing knowledge with our clients. Here is a full listing of the upcoming industry events we will attend.


Our Publications

Underwriting High Net Worth Foreign Nationals – Considerations for U.S. Life Insurance Companies
While High Net Worth Foreign Nationals may be very little of U.S. insurers’ in‑force Individual Life premium, there may be valuable business opportunities within this niche market. See our checklist for insurers with tips related to policy delivery, agents/producers, and underwriters.
Victor Roque, Nicole Conti
Alzheimer’s Disease Overview – Detection and New Treatments
New anti-amyloid antibody treatments show promise in slowing Alzheimer’s progression in early stages. Challenges include identifying suitable patients, managing side effects, and overall evaluation of cost/benefit factors. Read a summary overview of the disease and details on emerging treatments.
Cecil Ramotar
What Are We to Make of Cannabis Use in The Insured Population?
The use of cannabis as a medical treatment continues to grow, but how effective is this substance? We discuss various opinions and studies on the effectiveness of cannabis for certain conditions, and the importance of evidence-based risk frameworks for underwriters.
Dr. Chris Ball, Graeme Urquhart
Key Takeaways From Our U.S. Claims Fraud Survey
Insurance fraud is a global threat for all lines of business, with significant financial repercussions. In the U.S. alone, insurance fraud is estimated to cost the industry approximately $308.6 billion per year. Here is a snapshot of findings from Gen Re’s 2024 U.S. Insurance Claims Fraud Survey.
Jason Weesner
Multiple Sclerosis – Something Old, Something New
As one of the most common neurologic conditions within the young adult population, MS is a major driver of disability and healthcare costs. Here’s an overview of the disease and update of medications and treatments, especially for Life & Health claims professionals.
Dr. Jonah Fox

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Contact us to learn more about how we can help you.  

Individual Life

Medicare Supplement / Group Life

Individual Disability / Critical Illness / Accident

Learn more about us.

Supporting the Industry