Critical Illness Insights – Malaysia

Critical Illness (CI) insurance was introduced to Malaysia in the late 1980s. The popularity of CI products gained momentum during the 1990s and 2000s. Malaysia, a diverse market, has both Takaful and non-Takaful CI products. Experiences coming through from these products are different, with non-Takaful products having a higher proportion of cancer claims. Our study counts Malaysia as its core market since the 1990s and can identify risk and emerging trends for the market.

The infographic below summarises the latest Dread Disease Survey results for the Malaysia market. For more information about the result, please contact the CI Insights team.

Dread Disease - Singapore
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The 8th edition of Gen Re’s Dread Disease Survey has been released for the Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore markets. This survey captures new insights into the prevalence, incidence, and impact of Critical Illness (CI). We present key findings from the three markets.
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