
Let our insights and technical knowledge keep you informed and up to date to enhance your competitive advantage. 


Underwriting Manuals

Underwriting manuals play a vital role in managing risk for insurers and reinsurers alike. Gen Re’s underwriting manuals support underwriters across the globe in their daily work by providing comprehensive, evidence-based guidelines for the assessment of multiple types of risk.

Underwriting Engine

Our global expert underwriting system COMPASS is used by numerous companies and markets, processing more than 15,000 applications each day. COMPASS evaluates and underwrites Life and Disability applications. Depending on the product type, suggested underwriting actions include policy issue, request for additional information, referral to an underwriter or decline.

Our Services


Our services include the design of new products, calculation of the respective rates, and support in the development of policy terms and conditions.

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We have a global network of data scientists, and deep expertise in solving complex business problems.

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Medical Services

Experienced, responsive medical directors supporting you and our underwriters, while providing our underwriting manuals with the latest medical knowledge.  

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Digital Solutions

We help our clients create digital solutions across the insurance value chain.

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Featured Research

Mental Health

Mental Health

We believe there is more our industry can do to support people living with mental health conditions. Our passionate team of global experts is working to share their knowledge, challenge existing practices, and develop new solutions to help foster a more inclusive approach to mental health.

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Behavioral Economics

Behavioral Economics

In a time of rapidly evolving underwriting approaches, uncertainty about future morbidity and mortality improvement, and increased insurer focus on client engagement, the Gen Re BE Academy, developed in relationship with Suffolk University professors, is designed to help our clients’ staff learn how small changes can make a big difference. 

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Upcoming Underwriting Events & Training

Featured events, conferences, training & education.

Business School

Business School

Your partner for professional development in insurance.

Training courses for underwriters and claims assessors.

Our Publications

Featured Article

New Mortality Assumptions for Pension Business in Spain

Longevity can be seen as a societal achievement, but it can also become a risk. Using the new 2nd Order Base Mortality Table (PER2020) for Spain, we look at these new mortality assumptions to better understand its implications for the insurance sector.

Actuarial Insights on Heat-Related Mortality and Morbidity
Optimal temperatures for health vary by region. Adapting behaviours and environments can reduce heat-related deaths. We explore actuarial insights into how rising global temperatures are increasing heat-related mortality and morbidity, and the significant implications for the insurance industry.
Sarah Hogekamp
An Overview of Mitral Regurgitation Heart Valve Disorder – and Underwriting Considerations
Mitral regurgitation is the second most common form of valvular heart disease after aortic stenosis, with a similar prevalence in men and women. Here’s a detailed overview of the complex but common valve disorder, with some key points to consider in your underwriting practices.
Gary Kranich
Underwriting Disability Insurance – The Art and Science of Critical Thinking
Compelling evidence highlights the growing need for people to have income protection – and the importance of Disability insurance. Here we explore some aspects of its underwriting, including some of the complexities and nuances of assessing morbidity risk.
Dr. Loraine Oman-Ganes, Brenda Blaisdell
Morbidity Trends – The Long-Term Impact of the Pandemic [Video]
Long COVID’s persistent symptoms, varying from fatigue to organ damage, challenge diagnosis and treatment, affecting many post-recovery. Its impact on work capacity raises concerns for the labor market and disability insurance, with evidence of reduced work schedules and increased unemployment.
Sabrina Link

We take an end-to-end approach to the service we provide. Whether you are looking for new insights into product development, access to leading underwriting tools and expertise, or assistance with a challenging claim, we have the people and tools to help directly or by way of training.

For further information, please contact Andres Webersinke.