Rachel Cohn profile image
Rachel Cohn
Senior Underwriter
Toni Forsyth profile image
Toni Forsyth
Nick Lee profile image
Nick Lee
Casualty Facultative Manager
Dan Rakes profile image
Dan Rakes
Assistant Underwriter
Claire Scaife profile image
Claire Scaife
Senior Underwriter
Laura Agass profile image
Laura Agass
Property Claims Manager
Richard Willoughby profile image
Richard Willoughby
Casualty Claims Manager
Martin Allen profile image
Martin Allen
Claims Executive
Jimmy Donovan profile image
Jimmy Donovan
Claims Associate
Joaquin Orejas profile image
Joaquin Orejas
Head of Property & Casualty Facultative International
Jill Cheyne profile image
Jill Cheyne
Executive Assistant
Philippa Barnes profile image
Philippa Barnes
Senior Diagnostics Assistant
Tracy Dixon profile image
Tracy Dixon
Financial Controller
Stephen O'Shaughnessy profile image
Stephen O'Shaughnessy
Senior Technical Accountant
David Bateley profile image
David Bateley
Account Specialist
Lindsay Maisey profile image
Lindsay Maisey
Account Specialist
Ben Westaway profile image
Ben Westaway
Account Associate
Mark Daters profile image
Mark Daters
Senior Pricing Actuary
Katie East profile image
Katie East
Property Facultative Manager
Claire Abel profile image
Claire Abel
Senior Consulting Underwriter
Janice Ketchell profile image
Janice Ketchell
Senior Underwriting Specialist
Paul Jackson profile image
Paul Jackson
Senior Underwriting Specialist
Amy Holloway profile image
Amy Holloway
Senior Underwriting Specialist
Colleen Guinan profile image
Colleen Guinan
Senior Underwriting Specialist
Patrick Anderson profile image
Patrick Anderson
Senior Underwriter
Hayden Gunn profile image
Hayden Gunn
Stuart Anderson profile image
Stuart Anderson
Treaty Country Manager – UK
Will Bancroft profile image
Will Bancroft
Property & Engineering Underwriter
Joshua Harrison profile image
Joshua Harrison
Treaty Senior Underwriter
Nyree MacTavish profile image
Nyree MacTavish
Treaty Underwriter
Reece Piper profile image
Reece Piper
Actuarial Analyst
Daniel Seavers profile image
Daniel Seavers
Treaty Assistant
Richard Tunnard profile image
Richard Tunnard
Head of Quantitative Underwriting Support
Thomas Walker profile image
Thomas Walker
Treaty Assistant