Mental Health in Underwriting

Do you want to challenge your thinking? Attend the Advanced Underwriting Series!

Mental Health: 14–18 October 2024

CII CPD accredited programme

Mental health issues are more widely acknowledged by individuals seeking treatment and generally are less stigmatised than they used to be. The insurance industry has been responding by improving its handling of mental health cases and providing more people with fair access to its products at reasonable cost. On the other hand, the industry remains concerned at the numbers of mental health claims, their duration, and their expenditure. Underwriters need to be informed about:

  • Specific mental health disorders, their presentation, therapy options, and prognosis
  • Different forms of psychotherapy and their best use
  • Yellow and red flags in underwriting
  • Underwriting manuals as a basis for decision-making

Participants will discuss new trends in mental health assessment with our experts and will receive advice on how to break down a complex topic into the components significant for underwriting.

Target group: Underwriters in Life/CI/Disability insurance with a CUS certificate (Certified Underwriting Specialist – CII CPD accredited programme) and/or advanced skills (at least five years of work experience)

Location: The course will run on-site in Cologne, Germany

CII CPD hours: Up to 42

Seminar fee: EUR 2500 (plus VAT where applicable)

Registration: Please get in touch with your local Gen Re contact


Carolin Rühling has been working as an Insurance Education Consultant in the Gen Re Business School since the beginning of 2019. Her current focus is on Life/Health underwriting and international Business School webinars. She holds a Master of Science in Crosscultural Psychology and is therefore also particularly interested in issues of international cooperation.

Do you have any questions? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.