Kara Raiguel profile image
Kara Raiguel
President and CEO, General Re Corporation
Christopher Brock profile image
Christopher Brock
Casualty Facultative North America Manager
Patrick Carroll profile image
Patrick Carroll
Property Facultative North America Manager
Robert Jones profile image
Robert Jones
Treaty North America Manager - Regional & Specialty Cos.
Chuck Lawson profile image
Chuck Lawson
Treaty North America Manager - National & Multinational Cos.
Christopher Brock profile image
Christopher Brock
Casualty Facultative North America Manager
David Allen profile image
David Allen
Sr. Referral Underwriter
John Kronenberg profile image
John Kronenberg
Casualty Facultative Chief Underwriter
Kathy Ruscoe profile image
Kathy Ruscoe
Head of Client Operations
Phillip Spolarich profile image
Phillip Spolarich
Casualty Facultative Actuary
Patrick Carroll profile image
Patrick Carroll
Property Facultative North America Manager
Kathy Ruscoe profile image
Kathy Ruscoe
Head of Client Operations
Roy Hornbeck profile image
Roy Hornbeck
Ocean Marine North America Manager
Sam Robertson profile image
Sam Robertson
Sr. Underwriter
Jay Sogliuzzo profile image
Jay Sogliuzzo
Sr. Underwriting Specialist
Robert Jones profile image
Robert Jones
Treaty North America Manager - Regional & Specialty Cos.
Chuck Lawson profile image
Chuck Lawson
Treaty North America Manager - National & Multinational Cos.
Craig Beardsley profile image
Craig Beardsley
Chief Underwriter - Treaty Mutual Practice
Frank Bria profile image
Frank Bria
Treaty Account Executive
Rhonda Brien-Farling profile image
Rhonda Brien-Farling
Treaty Account Underwriter
Matt Burns profile image
Matt Burns
Treaty Account Underwriter
John Campbell profile image
John Campbell
Structuring & Financial Analytics Specialist
Thomas Cerulli profile image
Thomas Cerulli
Treaty Account Underwriter
Amy Comunale profile image
Amy Comunale
Treaty Account Manager
Molly Corbett profile image
Molly Corbett
Chief Risk Officer North America P/C & Treaty Cyber Specialist
Marc Dahling profile image
Marc Dahling
Treaty Property Line of Business Underwriter
Jin Dai profile image
Jin Dai
Treaty Account Underwriter
Donna DeBitetto profile image
Donna DeBitetto
Treaty Marketing Service Manager
Erin Duffey profile image
Erin Duffey
Treaty Account Underwriter
Ben Firshein profile image
Ben Firshein
Treaty Account Executive
Michael Forde profile image
Michael Forde
Treaty Operations Manager - National & Multinational Cos.
Amanda Granville profile image
Amanda Granville
Treaty Account Underwriter
Mariola Henkin profile image
Mariola Henkin
Treaty Account Manager
Elizabeth Hodge profile image
Elizabeth Hodge
Treaty Account Underwriter
Lucille Hyland profile image
Lucille Hyland
Contracts Manager
Erin Kang profile image
Erin Kang
Chief Underwriter - Treaty Regional & Specialty Cos.
James Kenworthy profile image
James Kenworthy
Sr. Treaty Underwriter
Zoltan Krasznai profile image
Zoltan Krasznai
Treaty Account Manager
Daniel Kriss profile image
Daniel Kriss
Treaty Account Executive
James Lewis profile image
James Lewis
Treaty Account Executive
Linda Lisi profile image
Linda Lisi
Treaty Account Underwriter
Diane Malinowski profile image
Diane Malinowski
Treaty Account Manager
Nicole Massini profile image
Nicole Massini
Treaty Account Underwriter
Katherine Meir profile image
Katherine Meir
Treaty Account Underwriter
Victor Min profile image
Victor Min
Head of Treaty Cat Underwriting
Jaclyn Mitchell profile image
Jaclyn Mitchell
Treaty Account Manager
James Nealon profile image
James Nealon
Treaty Account Underwriter
Marc Nerenberg profile image
Marc Nerenberg
Chief Underwriter - Treaty National & Multinational Cos.
Susan Nichols profile image
Susan Nichols
Treaty Pricing Analyst
Jeremy Platt profile image
Jeremy Platt
Treaty Account Executive
Thomas Popiolek profile image
Thomas Popiolek
Treaty Pricing Actuary
Will Ragusa profile image
Will Ragusa
Treaty Auto Line of Business Underwriter
Jason Rivera profile image
Jason Rivera
Treaty Account Manager
Richard Ruggiero profile image
Richard Ruggiero
Treaty Account Executive
Kathy Ruscoe profile image
Kathy Ruscoe
Head of Client Operations
Dean Schneider profile image
Dean Schneider
Treaty Marketing Service Manager
Matt Shoaf profile image
Matt Shoaf
Treaty Account Underwriter
John Sloss profile image
John Sloss
Treaty Account Manager
Jill Tumney profile image
Jill Tumney
Treaty EPLI Product Manager
Christine Unger profile image
Christine Unger
Sr. Contracts Specialist
Michael Vagnone profile image
Michael Vagnone
Treaty Account Executive
Jim Whamond profile image
Jim Whamond
Treaty Account Executive
Joseph Wallen profile image
Joseph Wallen
Chief Actuary
Brett Shereck profile image
Brett Shereck
Chief Pricing Actuary - N/A Reinsurance
Glenn Frankel profile image
Glenn Frankel
Head of North America P&C Claims
Max Branson profile image
Max Branson
Claims Executive
Jonathan Nieman profile image
Jonathan Nieman
Property Claims Executive
Jeffrey Weisel profile image
Jeffrey Weisel
Casualty Claims Manager
Sara Calise profile image
Sara Calise
Claims Operations Unit Manager
Denice Celentano profile image
Denice Celentano
Operations Unit Manager
Christine Fraina profile image
Christine Fraina
Sr. Claims Analyst
Joe Nunes-Pereira profile image
Joe Nunes-Pereira
Sr. Claims Analyst
Maria Pavia profile image
Maria Pavia
Claims Analyst
Nancy Roche profile image
Nancy Roche
Sr. Claims Analyst
Kathy Ruscoe profile image
Kathy Ruscoe
Head of Client Operations
Robert Watson profile image
Robert Watson
Retro Claims Analyst, Client Accountant
Michael Ferrante profile image
Michael Ferrante
Facultative Accounting Unit Manager
Paula Fox profile image
Paula Fox
Account Specialist
Elizabeth Franco profile image
Elizabeth Franco
Account Specialist
Amelia Graham profile image
Amelia Graham
Client Accountant
Kathy Ruscoe profile image
Kathy Ruscoe
Head of Client Operations
Holley Braun profile image
Holley Braun
Sr. Client Accountant
Kimberly Burnham profile image
Kimberly Burnham
Sr. Client Accountant
Sara Calise profile image
Sara Calise
Claims Operations Unit Manager
Denice Celentano profile image
Denice Celentano
Operations Unit Manager
Frank Chambers profile image
Frank Chambers
Client Administrator
Michael Ferrante profile image
Michael Ferrante
Facultative Accounting Unit Manager
Christine Fraina profile image
Christine Fraina
Sr. Claims Analyst
Amelia Graham profile image
Amelia Graham
Client Accountant
Joe Nunes-Pereira profile image
Joe Nunes-Pereira
Sr. Claims Analyst
Kadie Palmer profile image
Kadie Palmer
Client Accounting Manager
Maria Pavia profile image
Maria Pavia
Claims Analyst
Karen Prout profile image
Karen Prout
Sr. Client Accountant
Nida Quasim profile image
Nida Quasim
Run Off Accounting Unit Manager
Bogdan Razmakhnin profile image
Bogdan Razmakhnin
Sr. Client Accountant
Nancy Roche profile image
Nancy Roche
Sr. Claims Analyst
Kathy Ruscoe profile image
Kathy Ruscoe
Head of Client Operations
Robert Watson profile image
Robert Watson
Retro Claims Analyst, Client Accountant

General Reinsurance Corporation
120 Long Ridge Road
Stamford, CT 06902 (US)

+1 203 328 5000